Greggii/Microphylla Hybrids

Greggii/Microphylla Hybrids

Greggii/Microphylla Hybrids

Greggii/Microphylla Hybrids

Greggii/Microphylla Hybrids

Greggii & Microphylla Hybrids

This is a listing of only  greggii & microphylla hybrids that we know about in Australia, that have been named, propagated and promoted.

Salvia 'Tangerine'(greggii)
Salvia ‘Tangerine’ ( greggii)

The list is be divided into two lists .

  1. Those hybrids that are currently being propagated and promoted and Those hybrids that have been found in gardens, they may be named but are not being propagated or promoted, as well as those hybrids that are no longer in favour – no longer being propagated in any quantities. This list may vary from time to time

Plants will be listed as a greggii or if a cross, this will be shown as
g x m if a hybrid . This shows that the plant has a greggii dominant parent. Other names will assume to be a microphylla.

As microphylla’s cross within them selves, they can create a wonderful array of leaf shapes.
Most  will appear with their hybrid name, indicating that the plant is a microphylla.
Most of these hybrids grow 40-60cm H  with the occasional plant growing to 80 H, they all love a full sun position. Most plants are low growing for the front of the bed.

All greggii/ microphylla hybrids love full sun, some can grow well in filtered sun, but do better in a sunny position. Most plants are low growing  ( approx 40cmH) and are ideal for the front of a garden bed.

It is best to prune about twice a year or when beginning to get leggy and straggly – prune down to a green bud.
All need feeding through out the year, all grow better when watered ( if available) Mulch well to keep roots cool.

greggii / microphylla varieties and hybrids

Alba' greggii


Salvia greggii 'Adriana's Jewel'

Adriana's jewel

Salvia greggii 'A lo ha'

A lo ha' g x m


Salvia 'Baby Sage'

Baby Sage

Salvia microphylla 'Baby Doll'

Baby Doll' g x m

Salvia 'Baby Hope'

Baby Hope

Salvia greggii'Beetroot'

Beetroot' greggii

Salvia bicolor (greggii)

Bicolor' greggii

Blaise Shann

Salvia microphylla 'Heatwave Blast'

Blast' Heatwave

Salvia microphylla 'Heatwave Blaze'

Blaze' Heatwave

Brillance' g x m

Salvia microphylla 'Candleglow'


Salvia 'Cardinal Purple'

Cardinal Purple

Salvia 'Cecilia'

Cecilia' g x m

Salvia microphylla 'Cerise'

Cerise' microphylla

Salvia 'Cherry'(greggii)

Cherry' greggii

Christine's Surprise

Salvia 'Cienna Rose'

Cienna Rose

Coconut Ice

Salvia 'Crimson &Black' (greggii)

Crimson & Black' greggii

Salvia 'Crimson Belle'

Crimson Belle

Salvia 'Cupie Doll'

Cupie Doll

Salvia microphylla 'Cyclamen '


Desert Blaze' greggii

Desert Sunset' g x m

Salvia 'Easterbonnet'

Easterbonnet' g x m

Salvia 'Faye Shann'

Faye Shann' g x m

Salvia 'Firebright' (greggii)

Firebright' greggii

Salvia 'Flare'

Flare' g x m no longer a Heatwave series

Salvia 'Flash' (Heatwave)

Flash' ( Heatwave)

Salvia 'Fruit Tingles'

Fruit Tingles

Furnams Red greggii

Salvia 'Fuchsia Doll'

Fuschia Doll

Salvia Heatwave 'Glare'

Glare' Heatwave

Glimmer' Heatwave

Glitter' Heatwave

Salvia microphylla 'Heatwave Glow'

Glow' Heatwave

Grace' greggii

Salvia 'Happy Pink'

Happy Pink

Holly' g x mgii

Salvia microphylla 'Hotlips'


x jamensis Los Lirios

'Hot Pink' = 'Sizzler' Heatwave

Salvia microphylla 'Iced Lemon'

Iced Lemon'

Salvia 'Icing Sugar'

Icing Sugar' g x m

Salvia 'Ignition Purple'

Ignition Purple

Jane's Delight

Jo Anne Shann

Salvia x jamiensis 'LaLuna

x jamensis 'La Luna

Cecilia, different leaf

Salvia x jamensis 'Yellow'

x jamensis 'Yellow

Salvia 'Killer Cranberry'

Killer Cranberry

Lara' g x m

Salvia 'Maggie May'

Maggie May

Matilda' g x m

Marshmallow' greggii


Salvia 'Mesa Azure'

Mesa Azure' = 'Mrs Bucket

Salvia 'Mexican Bandit'

Mexican Bandit

Salvia 'Mirage Cream'

Mirage Cream

Salvia 'Mirage Purple'

Mirage Purple

Salvia 'Mirage Rose bicolor'

Mirage Rose bicolor

'Mirage Soft pink'

Mirage Soft Pink

Salvia microphylla 'Miss Scarlett'

Miss Scarlet

Salvia 'Musk'


Salvia 'Navajo Cream'

Navajo Cream

Navajo Purple

Navajo Red


Orchid Showers

Salvia 'Pat's Pink'(greggii)

Pat's Pink' greggii

Palest Pink' g x m




Salvia 'Penny's Smile'

Penny's Smile

Pink Blush

Salvia 'Pink Champagne'

Pink Champagne

Salvia 'Pink Frills'

Pink Frills

Salvia 'Pink Pearl'

Pink Pearl

Salvia 'Powderpuff'


Poppy Shann

Salvia 'Playa Rosa' ( greggii)

Playa Rosa' greggii

Salvia 'Pumpkin'


Purple Jewel

Salvia 'Purple Passion'

Purple Passion

Radiance' Heatwave

Raspberry Ripple

Salvia 'Raspberry Royale'(greggii)

Raspberry Royale' greggii

Raspberry Swirl

Salvia 'Red Beacon'

Red Beacon

Ribambelle' g x m

Salvia 'Royal Bumble'

Royal Bumble

Sally G Vanilla' g x m

San Carlos Festival

Scorcher' g x m



Salvia 'Silas Dyson'

Silas Dyson

Silkes Dream

Sierra Pink' greggii

Salvia 'Sierra Red' ( greggii)

Sierra Red' greggii

Sizzler' Heatwave

Salvia 'Skyblue'

Sky Blue

Salvia 'So Cool Lilac'

So Cool Lilac

Salvia 'So Cool Violet'

So Cool Purple' sim 'Mesa Azure

So Cool Violet Closeup

So Cool Violet' sim 'Mesa Azure

Salvia 'So Cool Pink'

So Cool Pink

Snow White

Salvia 'Heatwave Sparkle' PBR

Sparkle' Heatwave

Strawberry Crush

Salvia 'Sunrise'


Sweet Laura

Sweet Lips' greggii

Salvia greggii 'Tangerine'

Tangerine' greggii

Salvia 'Telegraph Ave'

Telegraph Avenue

Salvia 'Tickled Pink'

Tickled Pink

Salvia 'Tutti Frutti'

Tutti Frutti

Wild Watermelon

Wensley Apricot' g x m

Salvia x jamensis yellow

Yellow' x jamensis

List of hybrids that are not promoted or propagated or are out of favour.

Salvia microphylla 'Baby Doll'

Baby Doll


Bullet Proof'= Navajo Red

Cerise Jewel' greggii

Salvia 'Coral' (greggii)

Coral' greggii

Dwarf Peachy' similar to greggii 'Sierra Pink

Salvia 'Huntington'

Huntington Red

Jeremy' = 'Pink Lips

Kate Shann

Keegan similar to greggii bicolor

Marachino' similar to microphylla 'Cerise

Salvia 'Margaret Arnold'

Margaret Arnold

Mesa Red

Mesa Rose

microphylla 'Red

Salvia 'Red Beacon'

microphylla var lemmonii

microphylla var microphylla

microphylla var wislizenii syn lemmonii

Mrs Bucket' = Mesa Azure

Orchid Glow

Peach' = 'Dwarf Peachy

Peaches and Cream'= greggii bicolor

Peter Vidgeon

Pink' greggii

Pink Lips'= 'Jeremy

Purple Warrior

Salvia 'Sandra V'

Sandra V

Salvia 'Raspberry Swirl'

Strawberry Swirl' =Raspberry Swirl

Red Meza

Rose Poppy

Salvia microphylla 'Cerise'

Ruby Ever Red'= microphylla 'Cerise

Sierra Coral

Tomato Red

Salvia x jamensis 'Yellow'

Yellow' greggii= xjamensis 'Yellow