Big and Small Salvias

At most times of the year most people are ”wow’d” by the range of colours , size and beautiful display of the tall autumn / winter flowering Salvias, some of which are really spectacular.

Salvia iodantha
Salvia iodantha

But not everyone can accommodate many of these tall growing Salvias in their small suburban gardens, many are perceived as being too large for these small gardens, but have you noticed how accommodating Salvias are?

Many of the tall growing Salvias have a similar smaller version available.

For instance: if you can’t grow the tall involucrata spp, then ‘Bethellii’ will do just as well as an alternative with the same coloured flowers and a similar flower shape, flowering through summer and autumn and only growing 1m tall.

involucrata spp Tall
Salvia involucrata 'Bethelii'
Salvia involucrata 'Bethelii'

Other examples can be found in :

‘Black Knight’   2 – 3m tall, large shrub — ‘Purple Majesty’, 1 m tall, very upright and slender with similar violet purple flowers or ‘Amistad’.

Salvia 'Purple Majesty'

‘Costa Rican Blue’ 2 – 3m tall, — guaranitica ‘Black n’ Blue’, has very vibrant dark blue flowers, similar and only, 1m tall.

Salvia 'Costa Rican Blue'
Salvia 'Black & Blue' (guaranitica)
S. 'Black & Blue' ( guaranitica)

‘Bluebird’ 3 – 4m tall, erect — polystachya is a smaller version, flowering in Autumn, similar shaped flower and colour , but only 1m tall.

Salvia 'Bluebird'
Salvia 'Bluebird'
Salvia polystachya
Salvia polystachya

S. iodantha, 4m tall, erect – littae is a much smaller version, a small shrubby Salvia, have that same vibrant magenta coloured brush of flowers, but growing only 60 – 80 cm tall.Another alternative is elegans ‘Purple’, this is an upright shrub, long spikes of narrow magenta flowers, growing to 1.5m tall, very elegant

Salvia iodantha
Salvia iodantha
Salvia littae
Salvia littae
Salvia elegans 'Purple'
Salvia elegans 'Purple'

S. adenophora, 3-4m tall, arching habit — miniata is a smaller version  with those same bright vermilion red flowers, grows in shade, only 60-80cms tall.

Salvia adenophora
Salvia adenophora
Salvia miniata
Salvia miniata

How accommodating they all are, but we haven’t found the equivalent for pupurea, karwinskii ,‘Romantic Rose’ or ‘Timboon’, but we will keep looking. So there is the old adage that “ there IS a Salvia for every situation in your garden”