Seed Disclaimer
Although we try to insure the purity of the seed listed, we cannot guarantee that the seed will come true to form. Be aware that Salvia species can cross with other Salvias, especially in the case of the greggii / microphylla cultivars. Most bicolour Salvias DON’T come true, most revert to the colour of one of the parents
Seedlings happen in gardens quite often, so look for differences in these seedlings. Be very selective and check for duplication of what Salvias are already existing and what is very similar to other Salvias being promoted.
This selection process is to prevent confusion, as so many look the same or have similar names.
Please check the website : pages on Plant identification, New Salvias, the greggii & microphylla page and the various lists throughout the site.
Any plant that produces seed has the potential to become a weed in an ideal environment, but few gardens have ideal soil. Most gardeners enjoy self seeding plants and all Salvias are easily pulled out from areas where they are not wanted. Very rarely are they ever a pest.
We do NOT sell noxious Salvia weeds or pest species eg. S. verbenacea
Seed Germination Tips
Often some seeds can be difficult to germinate without a little help.
Sow seed in Spring to Autumn, sow seed into pots with a very good seed raising mix. Sow seed directly on top of soil, DON’T cover with soil, Salvias need light to germinate. Cover pot with fly wire to protect germinating seed from the ‘Midnight Munches’.
Water either with a dose of Epsom Salts – 1tsp in 1 Lt spray bottle, allow the mixture to dissolve, then spray immediately after sowing, then again once or twice before they germinate. The magnesium helps to overcome the dormancy.
Smokey Water, and Smoked Vermiculite:
Smokey water and Vermiculite are often used to help germination in the form of diluted Regen 2000 Smoke Water solution and Regen Smoked Vermiculite. These are available as Regen Germinator both from Grayson Australia in Bayswater Vic.
This is often used by Nurseries and Botanic Gardens to help overcome the dormancy in some very difficult seeds.
Salvia Seed Available
All seed on the Seed Listing is collected annually and sourced locally from collector’s gardens each season.
Payment for seed ordered can be by either a cheque , by Direct Deposit or PayPal. To make the order worthwhile, the order must be $12.00 Aust. or more.
Seed will be sent as soon as possible from when the order is received. See instructions on seed raising in the propagation notes.
Please see the seed order form below. Seed is listed in order of colour.
Attention: If more than 1 pkt of seed is ordered, please check the availability before ordering
Red & Crimson Salvias
Showing all 4 results
S. ‘Josh’ (seed) a medium bushy shrub with trusses of bright red flowers in spring and summer.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. ‘Baby Sage (microphylla) (Seed): A small rounded bush 40cmH
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. ‘Red Beacon’: (Seed) A good red microphylla type 60cmH for full sun. Not Available
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. spathacea : (seed) a groundcover with fragrant basal leaves and a crimson spathe of flowers in summer. Not Available
$3.00 Read more
Blue / Purple/Mauve
S. superba ‘Viola Klosse’: (seed) a small herbaceous perennial 20-30cmH, with dark purple flowers in spring and summer.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. stepposa: (seed) a herbaceous perennial 60cmH with trusses of mauve flowers in Spring and Summer.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. repens: (seed) A small clumping plant 20-30cmH with pale blue flowers in summer, for a full sun position
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S. sylvestris ‘Maynight’ : A small herbaceous perennial 40cmH with vivid blue flowers in spring.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. moorcroftiana:(seed) a herbaceous perennial with large rounded furry leaves and mauve /whiteflowers in late spring and summer.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. superba x ‘Blue Queen’: (seed) a small herbaceous Salvia with small leaves forming a clump and spires of blue flowers in late spring
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. ‘Madeline’ (Seed) a herbaceous Salvia with blue and white flowers in spring
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S. chamaedryoides (seed) a low groundcover with grey leaves and blue flowers
$3.00 Read more -
S. personata (seed), An upright annual to 1mH with pale blue flowers in Spring
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S. urica (seed) An upright bushy medium shrub with vivid purple flowers and pungent leaves.
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S. canariensis var candissima (seed) an upright shrub 1.2mH with white felty hastate leaves and mauve flowers in summer.
$3.00 Read more -
S. nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ (seed) a herbaceous perennial 60cmH with upright growth, dark stems and purple flowers in summer.
$3.00 Read more
Pink Salvias
S. taraxicifolia :(seed) a small clumping Salvia with grey/silver prickly lobed leaves and spikes of pale pink flowers in spring /summer.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. ‘Shangri la'(seed) a herbaceous Salvia 40-60cmH with delicately pink coloured flowers in spring
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S. officinalis ‘Rosea'(seed) a small clumping plant 30cmH with pink flowers in spring
$3.00 Add to cart -
S.quitensis (seed) a tall bushy shrub 3mH with cerise flowers most of the year.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. viscosa:(Seed) is a herbaceous perennial 20- 40cmH with small maroon flowers in summer.
$3.00 Add to cart -
Salvia nemorosa ‘Amethyst’ : (Seed) A herbaceous perennial 60cmH with pale pink flowers in summer.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S.leucophylla: (Seed) Tough hardy, open shrub 1m.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. lanceolata: (Seed) is a small Sth African shrub 1mH with mushroom pink flowers.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. chiapensis: (seed) A small tropical looking Salvia 1mH for shade or sun.
$3.00 Add to cart
White & Yellow Salvias
Salvia ‘Snow White’ (seed) a small subshrub 60-80cmH with white flowers most of the year.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. canariensis ‘Alba’ (seed), 1.2-1.5mH, medium bushy shrub with long hastate leaves and trusses of white flowers in spring.
$3.00 Add to cart -
Salvia coccinea ‘Snow Nymph'(seed)
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. mellifera: (seed) A Californian upright shrub 1.2mH with aromatic leaves and white flowers in spring. .
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. aethiopis:(Seed) is a perennial with large white furry basal leaves and white flowers in summer
$3.00 Add to cart -
S.radula: (Seed) is an upright perennial 1mH with multiple stems of pure white flowers in spring. Not Available
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. staminea:(Seed) is a herbaceous perennial 10 -30cmH with white flowers in spring and summer for a sunny position.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. disermas ‘Slimline’: (Seed) Shrubby upright Perennial 40-60cmH with fragrant leaves for a full sun position.
$3.00 Read more -
S. aurita var galpinii: (Seed) is an arching ground cover 30cmH with lovely lobed leaves and very small white flowers.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S.apiana:(Seed) A upright perennial 80cm-1mH with fragrant grey leaves and white flowers.
$3.00 Add to cart
Yellow & Orange Salvias
S. glutinosa (seed) A herbaceous perennial from Japan with yellow flowers in Spring.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. aurea ‘Silver Lady’, (seed) a bushy shrub to 1.2m H with silver leaves and terracotta flowers.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. aurea ‘Green Ginger’: (Seed) is an upright small shrub 1mH for full sun.
$3.00 Add to cart -
S. aurea:(Seed) A tough, hardy shrub from Sth Africa 1.5-2mH with terracotta coloured flowers.
$3.00 Add to cart
Payment Options
Cheque/ Money Order . Direct Deposit or PayPal
- 1. Cheque/ Money order
payable to Victorian Salvia Study Group Inc. A/c No.116846122
- 2. Direct Deposit: Bank: Bendigo Bank,
BSB No. 633-000 A/c No. 116846122
- 3. PayPal :
The form must be completed with all types of payment either by post with a cheque or email form to with a copy of your direct deposit transaction. Surname and initials ( admin purposes only).