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Photos through the pages

The photos within this website have been taken  by either Lyndi Garnett, Pat Anderson or other members with their permission.
I would like to acknowledge those who have kindly given permission for us to use their photos.

If anyone has Salvias in their garden they don’t know the name or plants they can’t identify, please take a photo and email it to I am sure we can help you.

Like us on Facebook – we have a Facebook page to post photos and comments.

Julie Kavanagh


Registered collection with the Plant trust. (GPCAA) Garden Plant Conservation Association of Australia.


Co ordinator

Lyndi Garnett
Ph +6(03)98034534
Email:lgarnett844@gmail .com

Salvia Newsletter Editor

Andreina Chinn.
Ph 0404429327


Laurie Norman
Ph 0419509592


.Julie Kavanagh
Ph: 0408122780

New Salvias

This page will contain information about What’s New in the world of Salvias  here in  Victoria and Australia.

For those who don’t know where or what Nobelius is, our Display Garden is part of Nobelius Heritage Park, on the old Nobelius Nursery site. This wonderful site is situated in Emerald, beneath the Nobelius Packing Shed  on the Puffing Billy Railway Line.

Nobelius Display Garden

The Nobelius Story. In the beginning.....

Before we began at this present site, we had a lovely small plot just below the Emerald Museum. This was the initial Study plot to gauge how the various Salvias grew under these conditions. This area was chosen by Ray Boatman ( the instigator of the Study group) with the help of Russ Gyberg, the curator of the Museum. It wasn’t long before we out-grew this small plot.

Feb 2007

The original Salvia garden below the Museum

The present display garden was the result of the Group having too many Salvias and not enough room to display them properly to their best advantage. So the hunt was on to find a more suitable location. This was found in Sept 2006 with the help of the Management of Nobelius who are the custodians of the Heritage Park and the Shire Council who allocated another plot for us to develop. A fantastic area was found underneath the Packing Shed, which was under utilized. It was perfect for our purpose, it has a gentle downward slope towards Emerald Lake and Puffing Billy going past at the top, it is an open area free from trees and their roots, bordered by Flowering Cherries on one side and Pin Oaks on the other, all in all an area of approx. 40m x 14m, perfect for the growing of Salvias.

Autumn 2006
Spring 2006

Selecting the area began in 2007. Before the end of the year, we had the area rotary hoed 3 times, ready for the loads of compost and mulch that were dumped, waiting to be spread and raked. Most of the hard work began in Feb 2007 ( it was the beginning of hot dry horrible summers if you’ll remember ), but with a great band of helpers we laid out the beds, these being in the form of a central path and a number of paths going off to the sides. Our band of helpers then raked Richie Nottage compost and the chipped mulch for the top. When the internal edging had been completed and the Coldstream toppings had been laid, the garden beds looked wonderful,  just waiting to be planted.

End of the day Feb 2007
Feb 2007

Friends of the Salvia Garden

Friends of the Salvia garden

For those who might have an hour or two free during the week, who would enjoy working in the garden.
The gardens need maintaining and we need your help to keep the Salvias flowering and looking good for all who walk through.
If you can spare some time, it would really be appreciated – many hands make light work etc..
A chance for you to identify those Salvias in your garden and take home lots of cuttings.


Salvia garden at Nobelius

The 1st Thursday of each month, we conduct a Working B at our Salvia Display Garden, 10.30am- 3pm
(This has been changed from Wednesdays to Thursdays.)

So come along and enjoy a couple of hours with other Salvia enthusiasts.
Tea/ coffee will be provided.


Nobelius Salvias in flower
Nobelius Salvias in flower
seeds title
seeds title

All seeds can be found on the Shop page with the Salvia cards and Manual.

Seed Disclaimer

Although we try to insure the purity of the seed listed, we cannot guarantee that the seed will come true to form. Be aware that Salvia species can cross with other Salvias, especially in the case of the greggii / microphylla cultivars. Most bicolour Salvias DON’T come true, most revert to the  colour of one of the parents

Seedlings happen in gardens quite often, so look for differences in these seedlings. Be very selective and check for duplication of what Salvias are already existing and what is very similar to other Salvias  being promoted.

This selection process is to prevent confusion, as so many look the same or have similar names.
Please check the website : pages on Plant identification, New Salvias, the greggii & microphylla page and the various lists throughout the site.

Any plant that produces seed has the potential to become a weed in an ideal environment, but few gardens have ideal soil. Most gardeners enjoy self seeding plants and all Salvias are easily pulled out from areas where they are not wanted. Very rarely are they ever a pest.

We do NOT sell noxious Salvia  weeds or pest species eg. S. verbenacea

Seed Germination Tips

Often some seeds can be difficult to germinate without a little help.

Sow seed in Spring to Autumn, sow seed into pots with a very good seed raising mix. Sow seed directly on top of soil, DON’T cover with soil, Salvias need light to germinate. Cover pot with fly wire to protect germinating seed from the ‘Midnight Munches’.

Water either with a dose of Epsom Salts – 1tsp in 1 Lt spray bottle, allow the mixture to dissolve, then spray immediately after sowing, then again once or twice before they germinate. The magnesium helps to overcome the dormancy.

Smokey Water,  and Smoked Vermiculite:
Smokey water and Vermiculite are often used to help germination in the form of diluted Regen 2000 Smoke Water solution and Regen Smoked Vermiculite. These are available as Regen Germinator both from Grayson Australia in Bayswater Vic.
This is often used by Nurseries and Botanic Gardens to help overcome the dormancy in some very difficult seeds.


Seed Payment

All seed on the Seed Listing is collected annually and sourced locally from collector’s gardens each season.

Payment for seed ordered can be by either a cheque , by Direct Deposit or PayPal. To make the order worthwhile, the order must be $12.00 Aust. or more.
Seed will be sent as soon as possible from when the order is received. See instructions on seed raising on the Propagating page