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Salvia x jamensis LaLuna

Salvia x jamensis ‘LaLuna’: is a small subshrub 40-60cmH, with very pale lemon coloured flowers for a full sun position.

Salvia x jamiensis 'La Luna'
Salvia x jamiensis ‘La Luna’

Salvia x jamiensis ‘LaLuna’: was discovered in the town of James pronounced ( Hames) in Mexico. It is a greggii – microphylla cross, hence the name.

Flowers: a pale lemon colour, with a tinge of pink in the tube and a reddish splotch at the end of the hairy hood. This red splotch is very evident when still in bud. The bottom middle lobe is very wide with a prominent split, the two side lobes nestle nicely behind the flared lobe.

As the tube is faintly coloured pink, there is a faint pink area at the base of the throat to act as a beeline, guiding the insects into the flower.

Although the main flowering period is in spring and summer, ‘La Luna’  can flower through out the year.

Calyces: are green, nicely ribbed with blunt pointed lobes. These are seen in pairs along a long green flower stem, held above the foliage to attract passing insects.

Leaves: are mid green,  lanceolate/ elliptical with a pointed tip, shiny above with a few crenations along the margins. A typical greggii x microphylla cross example of leaf shape and veination.

Salvia x jamensis ‘LaLuna’:  has a delicate coloured flower, which really brightens up a dull garden bed. Grown en masse, in a large garden bed or along a border,it is quite stunning, making quite an impact of colour.

This is a Salvia that needs to be grown in full sun, planted with other blue/ purple, red coloured small shrubs and perennials.

A tough and hardy plant for the hot, dry summers, cold winters, even tolerating a light frost.

At the end of autumn when the main flowering period is over, it’s time to neaten the plants. Cut out any dead or twiggy stems, cut back to good green buds, the new growth will enliven the plant and promote more flowering.

Feed, and mulch well to keep the root area cool during winter. In spring as new growth is beginning to appear, feed again and top up the  mulch to keep the root area cool during the hot summer season.

Propagation: Usually by tip cuttings, taken at any time of the year.