Salvia  Wensley Apricot (greggii)

Salvia  ‘Wensley Apricot’ (greggii): A small open shrub 40-60cmH, for a sunny position with pale apricot flowers and oval leaves.

Salvia 'Wensley Apricot'(greggii)
Salvia ‘Wensley Apricot’

Salvia ‘Wensley Apricot’: has delicate apricot coloured flowers.

Flowers: are a delicate apricot / orange colour, with the hood being a gorgeous apricot colour with dark hairs towards the tip and a paler stripe which acts as another beeline. The throat  shows the beeline as a white blotch surrounded by a yellow patch graduating in to the pale apricot colouring of the bottom lobe, which can be slightly cupped. The bottom lobes are extended  with a slight split. The flowers are held at the top of a green stem in pairs in smallclusters.

Flowering can be throughout  the year, but the main flowering period is from spring through summer and well into autumn.

Bees, moths and other insects really enjoy these flowers.

Calyces: are green with colouring on the exposed side, ribbed with long pointed lobes.

Leaves: are midgreen, almost obovate in shape, larger and rounder than many other greggii varieties. A smooth, shiny surface, but thin in texture.

Salvia  ‘Wensley Apricot’: is a lovely small shrub for the front of the bed mixed with other stronger colours. The apricot colouring contrasts beautifully with purples / mauves of other perennials within the bed.

Plant in a sunny position in groups of 2 or 3 for a lovely splash of colour or dotted around among other contrasting colours. A gorgeous shade of pale orange to soften other colours for that muted palette, including the ability to soften a strong  white flowering plant.

Grow in a sunny position. Hardy for the hot summer months and the winter cold, tolerating light frosts.

Pruning: should be at the end of summer, when the plant may be a bit leggy. Always cut back to a good green shoot, cutting out old stems and any twiggy growth, which will clean out the bush.

New growth will regenerate the shrub for the winter months.

Propagation: is usually by tip cuttings, taken any time of the year.