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Salvia viridis syn horminum (Annual)

Salvia viridis syn (horminum): is an erect annual 30-60cmH, liking a sunny position. The colourful bracts come in many colours of white, pink and blue.

Salvia viridis
Salvia viridis

Salvia viridis: used to be known as Salvia horminum.

Flowers: The actual flowers are small, a falcate type of flower where the hood is the colour of the bracts and the bottom lobes are white. These appear in whorls of 4-8 flowers. The flowers come in many colours of pinks, purples and white. This annual begins to flower in early summer and can continue into autumn.

Bracts: are the main feature of the plant. These papery bracts are large, conspicuously veined and remain for some time after the flower has opened. They are the same colour as the flower, being pink, purple or white.

Calyces: are green ribbed with soft hairs along the ribs. These are grouped in whorls around a green hairy stem.

Leaves: are a bright mid green, lanceolate in shape with a pointed tip. Both surfaces are slightly hairy and slightly fragrant.

Salvia viridis: is a lovely addition to any bed, adding loads of colour, especially if there is more than one colour. Each single colour can be used for a colour themed bed. Bees flock to these flowers in summer.

Although an annual, this is a tough hardy plant, liking a full sun position on  well prepared  friable soil with manure and compost  being incorporated in the preparation of the bed.

At the end of autumn when most of the bracts have fallen and the actual flowers can be seen, collect the seed of S. viridis to save and sow next season. Take out the old spent plants and replenish the soil for other plants.

Propagation: is by seed. Although the colour can be variable, there is a good chance of the same one colour if collected from that coloured batch if other colours are not near by.