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Salvia Sierra Red (greggii)

Salvia ‘Sierra Red’ (greggii): is a small bushy compact subshrub 40-60cmH for a sunny position with bright crimson flowers.

Salvia 'Sierra Red' ( greggii)
Salvia ‘Sierra Red’

Salvia ‘Sierra Red’: is a bright small shrub for the garden.

Flowers; are a crimson red with a prominent white throat with the bottom lobe facing down. A very  typical greggii shaped flower. The hood has crimson hairs with pink exerted stigma and stamens. Flowers are in clusters at the top of a coloured flowering stem.

Calyces: are ribbed, in a pink/brown colour,but even more so on the exposed side. Each lobe is slightly flared.

This little gem can flower for most of the year, but the main flowering period is spring / summer through autumn and often into winter. Bees, moths and other insects are drawn to these flowers.

Leaves: are small,lineal, midgreen with entire edges with only the midrib showing. All stems are well clothed.

Salvia  ‘Sierra Red’: is a lovely small shrub for the front of the bed or border, making a lovely compact informal hedge. A good choice to use to brighten up a dull or boring garden area.

Plant by itself or in clusters of 2/ 3 or 4 or more for a bright splash of colour. The colour of the red / crimson flowers contrast beautifully with other blues / purples and whites in the garden, each colour helping the other colour to shine.

A good tough shrub for those hot summer months. Mulch well to keep the root area cool. Hardy during the cold winter months, as well as tolerating light frosts.

Pruning: This small shrub does need a trim at the end of summer or when looking straggly. Prune back to a good green bud, cutting out any dead or twiggy stems. Flowers should appear again in just a few weeks for those insects to begin visiting again.

Propagation: is by tip cuttings at any time of the year.