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Salvia Red Rambler (gesneriiflora)

Salvia ‘Red Rambler’ (gesneriiflora): is a tall clumping Salvia that grows well in a semi shaded position 2-3mH with large red tubular flowers and brown calyces.

Salvia 'Red Rambler'9gesneriiflora)
Salvia ‘Red Rambler’

Salvia ‘Red Rambler’: is a very bushy shrub that can be used for screening or as a ‘Filler” plant.

Flowers: are long ,tubular and red – the same colour, shape and size as the parent but the calyx is brown, the flower stem is brown. Flowers begin to appear in late winter, the main flowering is in November / December. Little birds love flitting through these flowers.

Calyces: are brown which gives the flowers an illuminescent appearance, especially on a dull day.

Leaves: are a broad cordate shape, mid green, veins obvious, slightly hairy on both sides with small rounded crenations along the edges.

Although not strong, most of the gesneriiflora hybrids have a fragrance to their leaves.

Salvia ‘Red Rambler’: has upright stems to approx 3mH, often growing into a thicket. Although it enjoys a sunny position, it grows well in filtered / dappled shade. As it is frost tender, it will need protection from other shrubs or deciduous trees. It is generally cold hardy during the winter months.

Easily grown, it is best positioned at the back of the garden bed against a fence or in the middle of a large area. Great for screening neighbours or a shed.

Prune the large old stems down to 2 nodes.this can be done during summer by either removing them completely or allow them to reshoot. Leave all new basal shoots to grow, to regrow the clump.

Propagated: easily from tip cuttings.