Salvia microphylla Coconut Ice

Salvia microphylla ‘Coconut Ice’: a lovely small subshrub to 60cm H, enjoying a sunny position with gorgeous baby pink flowers for most of the year.

Salvia 'Coconut Ice' ( microphylla)
Salvia ‘Coconut Ice’

Salvia microphylla ‘Coconut Ice’: is one of the many lovely pink Salvias that almost have a 2 tone effect that enhances their beauty.

Flowers: are a lovely clear pink with  the hood and side lobes being very pale, almost white in colour. The tube and bottom lobe are a clear pink colour that is often cupped and frilly. There is a distinct white beeline around the throat to guide the bees and insects into the flower.

These are free flowering for most of the year, appearing in small panicles at the top of the flowering stems, above the foliage to attract passing insects.

Calyces: are a bright green which enhances the pink colouring of the corolla. They are nicely ribbed with pointed lobes.

Leaves: are a typical microphylla leaf, an elongated oval or lanceolate shape with clear veination showing ,mid green in colour and small crenations along the edges. Most stems are well clothed.

Salvia microphylla ‘Coconut Ice’: is a gorgeous small Salvia to have in the front border,  brightening up a dull  or boring corner.

Plant this lovely pink with other mauves, purples, bright blues and white small shrubs and perennials. Very bee and insect friendly.

Grow in a sunny position, feed well in spring when new growth appears, much well to keep the root area cool during the hot summer months. It is hardy over the summer months, cold hardy during winter and will withstand light frosts.

At the end of summer, it will require a trim to neaten, by cutting out any dead or twiggy stems, feed and mulch to keep the root area warm during the winter months.

Propagation: is easily taken from tip cuttings taken from new growth at any time of year,