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Salvia microphylla Cardinal Purple

Salvia microphylla  ‘Cardinal Purple’ : is a small subshrub, growing to 40 cm H.for a sunny position with cardinal purple coloured flowers all year.

Salvia microphylla 'Cardinal Purple'
Salvia microphylla ‘Cardinal Purple’

Salvia microphylla ‘Cardinal Purple’: is a neat, compact small shrub for a sunny position.

Flowers: are a rich purple with pink undertones with a white throat. although the hood has a white patch at the end, the rest of the flower has an even purple colour. The middle lobe is extended with a small  frill around the edge. The white beeline guides the bees and insects into the flower.

Once in flower, this will flower the whole year until trimmed, taking only a few weeks before the bush is back in flower. Bees and other pollinating insect enjoy these flowers.

Calyces: are the same purple colour but with dark purple ribs, giving the impression of a much darker calyx. Each lobe is pointed.

Leaves: are small, mid green, cordate / elliptical shaped with small crenations around the edges.

Salvia microphylla ‘Cardinal Purple’: should easily find a place in any garden, making a wonderful addition to a cottage garden. The lovely purple of the flowers blends well with other pinks, white, vivid blue perennials.

Grow in a full sun position with good drainage as this little Salvia is tough and hardy, being able to tolerate the hot summers, cold winters and light frosts.

At the end of summer and autumn, when the shrub might be looking a bit tired, give it a trim, by cutting out any dead or twiggy stems and cutting back to good green buds. Feed and mulch well to keep the root area cool during the hot summer months and warm during winter.

After that initial prune and feed, it won’t be long before it’s back in leaf and flower during winter.

Propagation: usually by tip cuttings taken in spring and summer.