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Salvia Keegan (microphylla)

Salvia ‘Keegan’ (microphylla): is a small subshrub 60cm H for a sunny position with lovely cream and pink flowers during the spring and summer season.

Salvia 'Keegan'(microphylla)
Salvia ‘Keegan’

Salvia ‘Keegan’: is extremely like greggii ‘Bicolor’ but has typical microphylla leaves.

Flowers: are a typical microphylla shape, but these are bicoloured. The hood is creamy with pale hairs and a cream stigma curling back over the hood.

The tube being pink and the 2 side lobes a paler pink colour. The  middle lobe is  a creamy colour, quite wide with a slight split in the middle. Reflexed down to open the throat area to allow bees and insects to gain access to the nectar.

Flowers are held in pairs along a long green stem above the foliage to attract passing insects. The whole plant bursts into flower in spring and summer.

Calyces: are primarily green with some colouring at the tips of the pointed ribbed lobes on exposed sides. If not pollinated, these fall off leaving an old flower stem. but if pollinated the whole flower stem and calyces turn a wheat colour and will remain until the seed drops.

Leaves: are grass green colour, a typical microphylla shape. Oval with a rounded apex with small rounded crenations along the edges. Veins clearly visible. Most stems are well clothed.

Salvia ‘Keegan’: is a bright small shrub for any sunny garden bed. Plant in the fore ground, either in a mixed border or as an edging plant along a path.

It makes a stunning view when mass planted, especially as the whole plant erupts into flower during the warm weather of spring and summer.

Plant with other single coloured small shrubs and perennials in those colours or contrast with vibrant purples and blues.

Not fussy with soil, loves the sun. Tolerant of light frosts and the winter cold. A tough hardy small shrub for the hot dry summer season.

In autumn after the main flush of flowers has past, it’s time to tidy up. Cut out any dead or twiggy growth, cut stems down to a good green bud to encourage new growth for winter.

Feed and mulch well to keep the root area warm during the cold months. In spring when the new growth is beginning to elongate, trim down by half ( including any flowers) for hardy sustainable growth during the summer months. Feed again and top up mulch to keep the root area cool during the hot dry months.

Propagation: usually from tip cuttings taken at any time of year.