Salvia jurisicii: is a herbaceous perennial 30cmH, forming a clump with fern like pinnate leaves and mauve upside down flowers in summer.

Salvia jurisicii: is a herbaceous perennial from the Balkan region.
Flowers: are a falcate type, but upside down, with the slightly curved, bloated hood at the bottom of the flower with a pale stigma exerted. This may be to ensure that bees and other pollinating insects can land, brushing past the anthers and stigma at the same time. pollinating the flower in the process.
Flowers are mauve and all parts have masses of long mauve hairs except the middle lobe. All lobes are the same colour, with only a small dark area around the throat to guide the insects further into the flower. The long tube gives the impression of the flowers to hanging down, allowing insects enough space to visit each flower.
Flowering begins in late spring, continuing until late summer. Flowers are held in whorls of 6-8flowers, in tight heads along a flower stem held well above the foliage to attract passing insects.
Calyces: are green, very hairy with long white hairs, ribbed with each lobe splayed and blunt. Flowering stems are branched short racemes. Calyces remain on the stem after the flowers have finished, but usually in a withered state which shows clearly any flowers that have been pollinated.
Leaves: are unusual as they are very fine pinnate shape. Usually 4-6 pairs of lobes with crenations along each lobe. A grey olive green colour that contrasts well with the mauve flowers. All stems are well clothed giving a bushy look to the clump.
Salvia jurisicii: is a small but bushy clumping perennial that enjoys a sunny position in well drained soil.
Perfect for a mixed border or gravel garden. Plant with perennials and small shrubs needing similar conditions. Other purples, pale pinks and whites work well with the masses of mauve flowers.
At the end of summer, when the stems of shrivelled calyces are beginning to look unsightly, collect any seed and cut down the stems. Clear away any old leaves, mulch well to protect the crown during the cold months of winter.
In late winter/early spring, before the leaves begin to appear, feed well and top up the mulch to keep the roots cool during the hot dry months of summer.
Propagation: usually by seed, sown in early spring. New shoots can be taken from the base before they harden off.
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