Salvia interrupta: is a small perennial shrub with a woody base 10-20cmH. Hairy trifoliate leaves and large blue / mauve flowers in summer.

Salvia interrupta: can form a nice clump for a sunny area.
Flowers: are blue / mauve, large, often seen in pairs, but sometimes in whorls, along a long green grey stem well above the foliage to catch passing insects in late spring and throughout summer.
Each flower is very interesting: the hood is small and hairy while the middle lower lip is large and falls down to act as a landing place for bees and insects. The two other lobes are folded away to open the flower. A prominent white beeline also helps to guide the bee inside the very large opened throat.
Calyces: are green, ribbed and hairy with pointed lobes.
Leaves: are trilobed with the middle lobe being the largest. Each lobe is slightly pointed. The surface is very fissured and slightly hairy, to trap moisture and guide it down the stem towards the roots.
The base is woody, the leaves often appear in clusters along the stems. Each leaf has a long pale petiole before joining the grey green lobed leaves.
Salvia interrupta: likes a sunny position that is well drained. It is perfect for those hot spots in the garden. It is best planted by itself as it can begin to fail in humid conditions, so having open air around the leaves often helps to keep the plant.
It is tough and hardy for hot dry summer conditions as well as winter cold, withstanding frost well.
Although it should be planted by itself, it can be planted with other like minded Salvias that grow in similar conditions, with full sun and well drained soil.
At the end of the flowering period, most plants need tidying up by cutting off the old flowering stems after seed has been collected, old discoloured leaves should be removed. Feed with a bit of calcium as well as a long term fertiliser and mulch well to keep the root area cool.
Propagation: Cuttings can be made of new growth in Spring and summer. Don’t over water, but keep moist until roots appear.
Not often available.