Salvia Honeymelon

Salvia  ‘Honeymelon’: An upright clumping perennial 1.2-1.5mH with bright red flowers in winter and pineapple scented  leaves with dark edges.

Salvia 'Honeymelon'
Salvia ‘Honeymelon’

Salvia ‘Honeymelon’: has more rounded leaves with dark edges.

Flowers: are bright red, tubular and narrow, appearing in either small whorls of 4 flowers or in pairs along a black flowering stem in late winter through spring. the stamens and stigma are exerted through the hood, making the corolla look  a lot longer.

Flowers appear in winter and spring, being held above the foliage to attract passing insects and small honeyeaters.

Calyces: are small, green, but often become coloured on exposed sides. Most are hairy, ribbed with slightly pointed lobes with coloured tips. Calyces will drop off when flowers are finished, leaving a green flower stem to be trimmed later.

Leaves: are broad, triangular, well veined, not hairy, a mid green with crenations along the margins which turn black in winter.

Salvia ‘Honeymelon’: is a larger bushy plant than it’s parent that can gradually expand, but easy to remove where stems are not wanted. Forming a clump, it is best grown at the back of a small bed with small groundcovers or small shrubs in the foreground. This looks perfect in a mixed border with other similar bright colours.

Best grown in a sheltered sunny position or in dappled sun but will be too lanky in too much shade under trees. Always appreciates being watered during summer.

When flowering has finished and new basal growth begins to appear, then cut down the long canes, clean out any dead or twiggy growth. Feed and mulch well to keep the shallow root and stems protected during the hot summer season.

Propagation: is usually  by tip cuttings or by layering stems.

Occasionally available.