Salvia Holly (greggii)

Salvia  ‘Holly’ (greggii): a small compact bushy subshrub 40-60cmH for full sun with orange coral flowers and brown calyces.

Salvia ‘Holly’: is a compact small shrub for the front of the bed.

Flowers: are a lovely bright orange coral colour with the faintest of a beeline in the throat. Flower stems are coloured.

Although this will flower most of the year, the main flowering period is from spring through  the hot summer months and into autumn and often into winter. This is very attractive to bees, moths and other insects. Flowers are held above the foliage to attract passing insects.

Calyces: are ribbed, a brown / green colour, especially on the more exposed side, set on opposite sides of a green stem.

Leaves: are shiny, midgreen, a broad oval shaped with only the midrib showing, the margins entire with a pointed apex. All stems are well clothed.

Salvia ‘Holly’: is a lovely small shrub to brighten up a garden bed.  This can also be used as an informal hedge as it clips well. As with most greggii varieties, they flower for most of the year until trimmed / clipped when a bit straggly at the end of summer.

Cut back to a good green shoot,  clean out any weak and twiggy stems. The flowers will appear again in a few weeks. A good tough, hardy shrub for the summer months, winter cold, tolerating light frosts.

Salvia ‘Holly’ contrasts well with other white or dark purple /  blue flowering plants near by.

Propagated; easily from tip cuttings taken most of the year.