Salvia ‘Heatwave Flash ‘( PBR) (microphylla): A small subshrub, 40-70 cm H. A neat compact Salvia with creamy white flowers in spring and summer.

Salvia ‘Heatwave Flash’ (PBR): has Plant Protection Rights attached, so cannot be promoted without a license.
Flowers: are a beautiful creamy white colour throughout the whole flower with a slightly pinkish tube and colouring at the throat.
Flowering for mainly during spring and summer, but will continue into the autumn, attracting all manner of small insects, bees, butterflies and moths.
Calyces: are green, ribbed, often with coloured tips on the exposed side.
Leaves: are midgreen, a broad oval microphylla type leaf, with visual veins and small rounded crenations around the edge.
Salvia ‘Heatwave Flash’. (PBR): is a very calming and bright small shrub for the garden, neat and tidy, only needing trimming at the end of summer. Grow in full sun with other pinks of all shades, but especially pale pink. The lemon creamy colour contrasts beautifully with strong purples and dark blues. This Salvia will light up any dull corners of the garden.
Hardy to the summer season, winter cold and will tolerate a light frost.
As S. ‘ Flash’ produces masses of flowers during the summer months, it is best to trim and neaten at the end of autumn, when most of the flowers have finished. Cut out any dead or twiggy stems, feed and mulch well to keep the root area cool during the hot dry summer months.
Propagation: As this Salvia has a PBR label, it cannot be promoted or sold unless licensed to sell.
Not available.