Salvia ‘Hadspen’ (involucrata): is a medium growing Salvia 1.2-1.5mH with large leaves, hollow stems and long flower heads of cerise flowers.

Salvia ‘Hadspen’: only has a small elongated involucrote.
Flowers: are fat, cerise with a small hood and bottom lobes. The flower heads are long, about 15-20cm with large intervals. The involucrote (knob) is small and elongated with curved tips on the bracts. All flowers are in whorls around the stems, approx 8 flowers to a verticillata.
Calyces: are ribbed, green with crimson tips around a green stem.
During the time that Flowers appear from late autumn, until early spring, the little birds such as the Eastern Spinebill, really enjoy trying to nectar in those fat flowers.
Leaves: are cordate, a bright light green with a blunt elongated tip. The texture is thin with the midvein showing and minute crenations along the edges. Petioles are often pink coloured.
Salvia ‘Hadspen’: is a good plant as a filler for a semi shaded position under trees or among large shrubs. Shelter from wind should also be considered as the stems are hollow, they are easily bent and damaged. As it has perennial growth, it can eventually form a nice clump under a deciduous tree.
Although it prefers a dappled shady position, it can also grow well in a sunny sheltered position. The root area should be well mulched for protection for the dry summers.
In cold areas, ‘Hadspen’ can be herbaceous, appearing again in Spring. In warmer suburbs, growth may remain over the cold winter months.
After the main growing season has finished, old stems should be cut down and cleaned out when the new growth appears.
Propagation: is usually by tip cuttings taken from new growth, before the stem becomes hollow. Cuttings should be taken through the node where the growing cells are clustered.