Salvia guaranitica Black & Blue

Salvia  guaranitica ‘Black & Blue’: is an upright medium sized herbaceous perennial 1mH. with beautiful bright blue flowers and really dark calyces for a sunny position.

‘Black n Blue’

Salvia guaranitica ‘Black & Blue’: is very similar to a variety ‘Black & Bloom’ . The main difference is that this variety has  flower heads are that are larger and more compact.

Flowers: are large bright blue, tubular with dark calyces. The flowering stem is dark. Flowers are arranges the length of the flowering stem, all facing the one direction. As they follow the sun, the stem and flowers revolve during the day. Flowering stems can  be 12 -15cm long when well grown. These are pollinated by birds, the little honey eaters and Mynah birds alike.

The main flowering period is spring and summer, gradually declining in autumn, as they are about to go down for the winter.

Leaves: are a bright mid green, thin textured with veins being indented. A broad cordate shape with crenations along the margins.

The pedicel is green as is most of the upright stems.

Salvia guaranitica ‘Black & Blue’: is similar to it’s parent, but smaller in height, more stems being produced, so the plant seems bushy and of course the calyces being dark. The other major difference is that this plant doesn’t produce tubers but has insidious roots that seem to run every where all over the garden. So again this plant will pop up all over the garden.

As it  grows only to about 1mH it is best to grow this beautiful blue flowering  Salvia in a large pot where it will not spread. Place in a sunny position, where the flowers can follow the sun until it  goes down for the winter.

Although this is easily propagated by tip cuttings or rooted pieces, we don’t propagate this plant due to it’s potential to become a weed.

Not available.