Salvia greggii ‘Grace’: A gorgeous small bushy subshrub 30-40cmH with clear pink flowers and green / brown calyces for a sunny position.

Flowers: are very pale pink, an almost white hood, the tube a darker pink with a very paler beeline into the throat. The lower lobe is broad and faces down. Flowers appear above the foliage to attract passing insects.
Spring and summer are the main flowering seasons, but will continue to flower throughout the year.
Calyces: are a olive green colour and ribbed, the flower stems are also this olive colour. If not pollinated, the calyces will drop off, leaving a short flowering stem.
If the bees have worked their magic, then the calyces will become a straw colour and remain on the stem sheltering their precious cargo of seeds.
Leaves: are small, slightly pointed, a midgreen colour with only the midrib showing. Edges are entire. All stems are well clothed to the base.
Salvia greggii ‘Grace’: is a lovely small bushy shrub for the front of the bed. Grow as a single plant or in groups of 3 for a delicate splash of colour. Grow in full sun, to brighten a dull corner.
This provides a lovely contrast to any strong blue / purple flowered groundcover. It combines well with other pink and white perennials.
This beautiful little shrub is very attractive to bees, butterflies and other insects.
Mulch well to keep root area cool throughout the hot summer months. Also tough and hardy during the winter cold, tolerating mild frosts. Easily propagated by tip cuttings.
At the end of summer, trim lightly and clean out any dead or twiggy stems, pruning back to a good green bud. Feed and mulch well to promote new growth and more flowers.
Propagation: is usually by tip cuttings taken at any time of year, but best from new growth.
Not always available