Salvia greggii Beetroot

Salvia greggii ‘Beetroot’: This is an upright slender bushy subshrub, 40-60 cm H for a sunny position, with deep beetroot coloured flowers.

Salvia greggii'Beetroot'
Salvia ‘Beetroot’

Salvia greggii ‘Beetroot’: flowers for most of the year.

Flowers: are a deep beetroot colour, appearing along the length of the flowering stem, often facing in one direction. Although the hood is small, the bottom lobes are  elongated  and flared out.

This acts as a perch for bees and other insects. Flowering occurs over a long period, from spring through summer and autumn and into winter. Very attractive to bees and other pollinating insects.

Calyces: are slender, ribbed and a very dark wine colour adding an elegance to the beetroot coloured flowers.

Leaves: are a typical slender greggii leaf, being  long ,oblong  and often with undulating margins. Mid to dark green  in colour. The stems are well clothed in leaves down to the ground.

Salvia greggii ‘Beetroot’: is a nice small shrub to bring colour to the garden. it’s deep beetroot colour makes a wonderful contrast with other strong coloured plants in the garden, especially with whites and purples. Grow in the front of the bed within a mixed  border or behind low ground covers with pale flowers.

Although slender, this Salvia is a tough hardy plant for summer heat and winter cold and will withstand a light frost.

After trimming back in autumn, down to a good green bud and cleaning out of any dead or twiggy stems, feed the plant and mulch well to keep the root area cool in summer.

Propagation: is usually by tip cuttings, which are easily taken most of year.

Not always available.