Salvia ‘ Glow‘ (Heatwave ) PBR ( microphylla): a compact shrubby microphylla type of Salvia 60cmH for a sunny position with warm apricot coloured flowers.

Salvia ‘Glow ‘(Heatwave): is a neat and tidy small shrub for any garden.
Flowers: are a beautiful warm pale orange with the two side lobes and the edge of the skirt a darker orange, giving the flower a warm glow. Flowers are a typical microphylla type with a brownish calyx, which helps to set off the orange colour nicely. The bottom lobes turn down with a lighter bee line coming from the throat.
Although flowering most of the year, the main flowering period would be over the summer / autumn period. Very bee, butterfly and insect friendly.
Leaves: are midgreen, a rounder type of shape with small crenations along the edges. Most stems are well clothed. Stems are very upright.
Salvia ‘Glow'(Heatwave): is a good small shrubby addition to a small or medium sized garden. Plant either at the front of the bed or as a hedge in a border. The warm colouring of Salvia ‘Glow’ pars extremely well with other vivid blue and purple perennials. It looks great as a background planting to low blue or white coloured groundcovers.
Grows best in full sun. Mulch well to keep the root area cool. This is a good tough Salvia for the dry summer heat and winter cold, also tolerating a light frost.
Pruning: should be done at the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. Clean out any dead wood or twiggy stems, then cut back to a good green bud. The flowers will return when the new growth matures.
This is a PBR variety, we cannot propagate this Salvia.