Salvia glechomifolia: is a lovely groundcover for sunny areas, about 10cm H with gorgeous bright blue flowers. Very bee friendly.
Salvia glechomifolia: is a good compact groundcover for a rockery that flowers for most of the year.
Flowers: are a beautiful blue, semi tubular with a prominent bee line down the bottom lobe. These are in whorls around a green stem of about 10cmH. Although the calyx is green, often it has a purple colouring on the exposed side. Flowers appear in spring / summer, continuing until autumn. It is well visited by bees, small moths and other insects.
Leaves: are a small, a broad lanceolate shape, mid green, nicely veined with small crenations around the edge. Often they will take appear with purple / dark pink burnished markings; this is an indication of cold weather or old leaves.
Salvia glechomifolia: is a great little plant to have in a rockery, edging along a bed or at the corner point of a bed. Grown as a border in front of a low hedge, it looks great next to other mid pink Salvias.
It’s neat and compact. Grow in full sun with good drainage. Mulching will keep the root area cool and with regular feeding it should flower for a long time.
This gorgeous little groundcover is great to attract bees, butterflies, small moths and other pollinating insects.
A tough little Salvia during the hot summer and cols winter months, tolerating a mild frost. Most of the time. a light trim in autumn to deadhead is all that is needed to keep the plant looking good.
Easily propagated by tip cuttings taken most of the year.
Not always available.