Salvia ‘Furnam’s Red’ (greggii): A small bushy, compact subshrub 40cm H for a sunny position with bright crimson flowers and calyces.

Salvia ‘Furnam’s Red’: is a tough hardy small shrub for hot spots.
Flowers: are a bright crimson colour, a typical greggii shaped flower, dark crimson calyces, with a crimson coloured flowering stem. The flowers appear in clusters at the top of the flowering stem. Although it will flower for most of the year, the main flowering period is in spring through summer. Bees, moths and other insects love these flowers.
Leaves: are a typical greggii leaf, small, lineal, entire edge with a blunt pointed apex, midgreen with all stems well clothed.
Salvia ‘Furnam’s Red’: is a good tough shrub for a sunny area. It is not fussed about soil so long as it doesn’t get wet feet in the winter months.
Plant this lovely small shrub at the front of the bed or border, as it clips well, so it makes a lovely small hedge. ‘Furnam’s Red’ flowers most of the year, this asset will brighten up a dull area for most of the year.
Combine the colour of the crimson flowers with other white, blue and purple perennials and shrubs, contrasting or complimenting these other colours beautifully.
Salvia ‘Furnam’s Red’: is best pruned at the end of summer when it might get a bit leggy and again in spring – cut back the new growth by half for more sustainable growth during those hot months. Feed it well and with a bit of water now and then, it should perform very well.
Mulch well to keep the roots cool during the hot summer months. If treated well, these subshrubs can be very long lived plants, but they do perform better in the ground than in a pot.
Most greggii plants don’t like to live in pots for too long. They also don’t like being waterlogged, so make sure the pot drains freely. Mulch well to keep the roots cool. Feed and water regularly for good results.
Propagation: is from tip cuttings taken in the warmer months.