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Salvia fluviatilis

Salvia fluviatilis: A tall upright shrub 2-3mH, semi shaded position, frost tender, with spikes of small blue flowers in late winter.

Salvia fluviatilis

Salvia fluviatilis is a tall upright screening shrub.

Flowers: are small,semi tubular, 2 toned with the hood and tube being white and the all the bottom lobes being bright blue. A small white beeline appears around  the throat area, guiding the bees and other pollinating insects further into the corolla.

Flowers are in whorls of 6-8 flowers in close clusters along a green flower stem 10-15cm long  in late winter and early spring.

These are held high above the foliage to attract passing insects.

The blue flowers are an added bonus to this shrub. Although small and plentiful, they look like candles at the end of the branch.

Calyces: are green, small, and very pointed in bud form. All lobes are slightly ribbed and pointed. These fall off after the flowers have finished, leaving a green stem which will remain until cut off.

Leaves: are large wide ovate dark green leaves, veins visible and soft serrations along the margins. They are larger when the plant or stems are young, gradually becoming smaller with age. Most of the branches are well clothed with leaves, branches being small and angular.

A very handsome upright shrub, especially when young with it’s large leaves. A very useful good screening plant for a shady position at the rear or middle of the bed.

Plant with other tall bushy shrubs that give protection during frosty periods, but quite winter hardy. Although this shrub can be grown in a semi shaded position, it does enjoy a sunny sheltered situation and extra watering during the very dry hot summer months.

At the end of summer, tidy up, by cleaning out any dead or twiggy growth, cut off any old flower stems and trim to shape. Mulch well to keep the root area cool during the hot dry months.

Propagation: Easily propagated by tip cuttings taken at any time of year.