Salvia Flare ( microphylla)

Salvia ‘Flare’ (microphylla ): Small bushy shrub 60cm H, enjoying a full sun position, with bright pink flowers for most of the year.

Salvia 'Flare'
Salvia ‘Flare’

Salvia ‘Flare’ (microphylla): was part of the  Heatwave series, but was decommissioned.

was part of the  Heatwave series, but was decommissioned.

Flowers: are a lovely mid to bright pink, a typical microphylla shaped flower.

Hood is a pale pink with dark pink hairs on the top, a darker pink tube with all the bottom lobes the same shade of pink. The middle lobe is large and fanned out with a slight split, often slightly cupped. This can  hold a drop of dew for insects and used as a landing place before the bee or  insect advances towards the prominent white beeline at the throat area.

Flowers appear either side of a dark stem in simple clusters at the end of the flowering stem, which are held above the foliage  to attract passing insects. Flowering occurs for  most of the year, until trimmed or pruned down to encourage new growth.

Calyces: area darker shade of pink with crimson ribs, giving the impression of a very dark coloured calyx, making the flower very attractive.  All lobes are long and pointed. These remain on the stem if pollinated, but usually fall when the flower is finished.

Leaves: show a greggii / microphylla cross, looking like a greggii leaf but lanceolate in shape with a rounded apex,  mid green with visible veins and slight crenations along the edges.

All stems are well clothed.

Salvia ‘Flare’ is a lovely small shrub for the front of the bed, always in flower, attracting insects, brightening up a dull bed.

Plant in a sunny position, this is a tough and hardy plant for the summer hot and dry season and tolerating  the winter cold and   frosts.

Grow with other bright small shrubs and perennials. Working perfectly with blue and purples and darker pinks for contrast or with  whites and other pastel coloured plants for a soft look.

Clip to keep tidy during the summer flowering period, but in autumn/ winter, stems need cutting down to new buds to encourage new growth. Flowers will appear in just a few weeks.

Feed after cutting down and mulch, then in spring when flowers begin to appear, feed again and top up mulch to keep the root area cool during the hot summer season.

Propagation: Easily propagated by tip cuttings taken any time of the year.