Salvia Firebright (greggii)

Salvia  ‘Firebright’ (greggii ): A small compact shrub 40-60cmH enjoying full sun with coral red coloured flowers in spring  through to autumn.

Salvia 'Firebright' (greggii)
Salvia ‘Firebright’ (greggii)

Salvia ‘Firebright’: is a bright addition to any sunny garden.

Flowers: are a coral red, the hood having lots of red hairs along the top and tip. All the lower lobes hang down with the middle lobe being slightly split. Although there isn’t much of a beeline, the throat area is open to allow bees and pollinating insect to enter.

Flowering  stems are upright with the flowers evenly positioned at the end of the stem. Flowers appear above the foliage to attract passing insects. Flowering  begins in spring and continues for a long period, flowering for most of the year until pruned down.

Calyces: are an olive green colour, colouring up further at the tips of the lobes. All lobes are ribbed , long and pointed and slightly hairy. These will turn straw coloured and remain on the stem if pollinated.

Leaves:  are mid green, long elliptical shaped, with entire edges, a midvein showing the greggii parent. All stems are well clothed.

Salvia ‘Firebright’:

A good small plant for the front border, adding much need colour  to a dull corner. Having small leaves, this plant clips nicely so can be planted  as an informal hedge.

Plant in full sun, a tough, hardy plant for summer heat and winter cold, will tolerate a light frost.

Plant with other vivid blues, purples and whites for  a good contrast. Grow with other similar perennials and small shrubs in a mixed bed of colour.

At the end of summer, early autumn is the best time to trim stems back to a good green bud. Clear out any dead or weak twiggy stems, finding that new growth at the base of the major stems. After new growth has begun to appear, flowers will follow in about 5 weeks to make the shrub  colourful once again.

After the shrub has been cleaned out and cut back, then feed and mulch well to keep the roots cool during the summer months.

Propagation: usually from tip cuttings taken in summer from new growth.