Salvia disermas ‘Compact’: A clumping perennial for full sun 40-60 cm H. with white flowers in spring / summer with large furry green leaves.

Salvia disermas ‘Compacta’: is different from the parent as it has a clumping growth habit and green larger leaves.
Flowers: are white, small, falcate shaped with a large opening to allow bees and insects to enter the flower. Both the hood and lower lobes are about the same size, the lower middle lobe being cupped to catch moister and to act as a landing place for the bees.
Flowers begin in late winter/ early spring, continuing through summer all the way through to autumn. As this Salvia. has a clumping form of growth, it can send up numerous stems, all hairy, all carrying whorls of 4-6 small white flowers appearing well above the foliage to attract passing insects.
Calyces: are green, hairy, with each lobe being ribbed and a blunt tip. Often there are new buds appearing at the same time at the top of the stems at the same time as seed capsules are forming lower down.
Calyces turn a lovely straw colour when the flowers have finished. These will remain on the stem while the seed is developing and until cut off in autumn.
Leaves: are a grass green, elongated but a compact broad cordate shape with soft crenations around the margin and a rounded apex. Leaves are mildly hairy and textured to trap moisture and nicely aromatic. they can be either sessile at the base or have short green petioles,especially along the flower stem.
Salvia disermas ‘Compacta’: forms a nicely shaped mound or clump with the flowering spikes appearing above the foliage to attract any passing insects. Full sun, tough hardy for summer’s dry heat and winter’s cold, tolerating frosts well.
Very attractive plant either in the front of a bed or just behind a lower groundcover. The foliage is a good foil for darker foliage behind. Ideal for a white themed garden as well as growing well in a gravel garden among other colourful small shrubs and perennials.
This Salvia grows acts as a good buffer for other brightly coloured perennials especially hot pinks, crimsons, reds, bright blues and purples.
At the end of the season, when most of the flowering has finished, it’s time to tidy up. Cut off any spent flower stems, dead or twiggy growth,any long lanky stems, cutting back to new growth that should be appearing at the base.
When finished, then feed which will encourage new growth and mulch well to keep the base warm during the cold winter months. In spring, just as it is sending up new flowering stems, feed again and top up mulch to keep the root area cool over the dry summer months.
Propagation: is from new growth cuttings, taken in spring.