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Salvia Desert Sunset (microphylla)

Salvia ‘Desert Sunset’ (microphylla): A small shrub 40-60cmH with pink coral flowers for most of the year for a sunny position.

Salvia ‘Desert Sunset’

Salvia ‘Desert Sunset’: is a  small shrub with bright flowers for a dull corner.

Flowers: are a typical microphylla shaped flower; the hood has dark pink soft hairs and a faint pale line down the centre; this should correspond with the small pale beeline around the throat, to guide bees and insects into the flower.

All the bottom lobes have the same colouring, with the middle lobe being wide and slightly split. It reaches the two side lobes tucking them just behind. This wide middle lobe acts as a landing place for bees and insects so they can enter the flower easily.

Flowers are held in clusters of pairs at the top of a green flowering stem. The flowering stem is help above the foliage to attract any passing insects. Although the main flowering period is from spring onwards, this Salvia can continue to flower through out the whole year until cut down to tidy.

Calyces: are green with some colouring at the ends of the pointed ribbed lobes.  Most calyces will remain on the stem after the flowers are finished, graduating to a straw colouring, which again will remain until cut off or decimated by the wind.

Leaves: are a typical microphylla shape, being an elongated oval shape, fresh mid green colour, veins clearly seen and soft rounded crenations  along the edges. Most stems are well clothed.

Salvia ‘Desert Sunset’: will brighten up any dark or dull corner of the garden. Grow this pretty Salvia at the front of the bed to catch the sun. Very good as an edging for a path as it clips well for a hedge. Great in an informal border with other pinks, purples and mauves, blues, dark pinks and even bright yellows, they all blend wonderfully together and on a sunny day, they are spectacular.

Tough and hardy for hot dry  summers as well as tolerating frosts and the winter cold.

At the end of autumn when most of the flowering has finished, then it’s time to cut down and tidy up.
Cut off all seed heads, cutting down to a good green bud. Cut out any dead or twiggy stems and take away old leaves. Feed and mulch to keep the root area warm during  the cold winter months. In spring when the new flush of flowers begins, feed again and top up the mulch to keep the root area cool during the hot dry summer season. Keep dead heading to promote more flowers.

Propagation: usually from tip cuttings taken at any time of year.

check  the propagation page.