Salvia cuspicata var gillsii (Deciduous)

Salvia cuspicata var gillsii: is a large deciduous bushy shrub 2-3m H, with blue flowers in summer, growing best in a sunny protected position.

Salvia cuspicata var gillsii:
Salvia cuspicata var gillsii:

Salvia cuspicata var gillsii: is one of the few deciduous Salvias.

Flowers: are in whorls, of about 4-6 flowers, along long flower stems. The hood is pale blue, the tube is paler, almost grey with the lower vibrant blue lobes being extended with prominent white beelines showing. The white beelines act as landing strips for bees and other insects.

The small sky blue / mauve flowers are easily seen on long flowering stems at the end of the branches to attract passing bees and insects.

Flowering begins in late summer, going through autumn, beginning to fade in the colder months. Very Bee and insect friendly.

Calyces: are small, a smokey grey green colour, often with purple tinges on the exposed sides. A few ribs showing the pointed lobes.

Leaves: are lanceolate, a green grey colour, with larger leaves appearing at the base of the stem, smaller leaves at the top. Margins are finely serrated with pronounced white veining beneath.

Leaves are textured and fragrant. Stems begin as green and square, then gradually become rounder and a soft grey.

Salvia cuspicata var gillsii: is a very attractive shrub for a sunny position, in among other shrubs. Growing tall, it is best planted either in the middle of a bed or as a background shrub wit other bright coloured shrubs and perennials.

Tough and hardy for summer heat and cold of the winter months. Needs good drainage, hating wet feet. When new shoots appear, feed and mulch well to keep the root area cool over the hot summer months.

Pruning: When the leaves have fallen, then it’s time to neaten and tidy the shrub, cutting off any stray branches, any dead or twiggy stems, cutting down by half to good buds that will burst forth in spring.

Propagation: is usually by tip cuttings of new growth, taken before  flowering.

Not available.