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Salvia cuatracasana

Salvia  cuatracasana: is an open shrub to 1.2m H originating from Sth America, that loves a shaded position with cerise flowers in autumn and winter.

Salvia cuatracasana
Salvia cuatracasana

Salvia cuatracasana: enjoys a shaded position.

Flowers: are small, cerise, tubular with a small bottom lobe and hood being about the same size.

Both the hood and bottom lobes are pink as the tube is white.

The hairy hood has a white patch in the centre which should correspond to a white beeline patch in the throat. A darker ring surrounds the beeline patch, helping to guide insects and birds into the flower.

Both the side lobes and the middle lobe are nicely flared out to allow the insects to land. A very neat and tidy flower.

Flowers are in compact whorls of 4-6 flowers, at the end of small flowering stems above the foliage to attract passing birds and insects.
Flowering in autumn / winter,

Calyces: are green, with come colouring on exposed sides and tips. These are very hairy, well ribbed with short pointed lobes.

Leaves: are a broad lanceolate / elliptical shape, dark green, well veined, slightly hairy with a long petiole.

Stems can be a bit soft if grown in too much shade. They can also grow around other  objects.

Salvia cuatracasana: is a shade loving Salvia, which  encourages upright growth, growing towards the light, but too much shade can produce soft floppy stems. This is a plant for a large pot or grown under a tree, but will need protection from frost and cold weather in winter.

A good addition for a dark corner of the garden as the cerise flowers stand out nicely. Plant with other shade loving shrubs  that like similar conditions. Both birds with small long beaks and bees enjoy these flowers.

At least twice a year, the growth and shape of the shrub needs attention, cutting out any dead or straggly stems. Cut back to good strong shoots. Feed and mulch to keep the root area warm in winter and cool during the hot dry summer months.

Propagation: easily taken from tip cuttings from good strong shoots at any time of year.

Easily propagated from tip cuttings, both birds and bees enjoy the flowers.