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Salvia Crug’s Cream

Salvia ‘Crug’s Cream’: is a herbaceous perennial 20cmH from Japan, with interesting trilobed leaves and trusses of pale yellow flowers in autumn.

Salvia 'Crug's Cream'
nipponica ‘Crug’s Cream’

Salvia ‘Crug’s Cream’: becomes dormant in winter.

Flowers: are a falcate type shape, pale yellow or cream in colour.

The hood is as long as the bottom lobes; being almost straight and broad. A purple stigma is exerted from the tip of the hood.

The two side lobes are straight and thin, almost the same length as the middle lobe which is slightly split in the centre.

Beautiful purple  markings are found around the throat area guiding the bees and other pollinating insects further in to the flower.

Flowers are held in a truss of tight simple whorls of 4 flowers on a green flower stem that can reach between 10-20cm long. These trusses are held above the foliage to attract passing insects.

As the colour is pale, often these pale  colouring become illuminescent during the night, attracting moths and other night time pollinators.

Flowering can occur in late spring, but the main period of flowering is in autumn just before the plant goes down for winter.

Calyces: are green, shiny but slightly hairy with distinct ribs that can be slightly coloured. Lobes are long and pointed. These remain on the stem after the flowers have finished.

Leaves: are dark green and trilobed. Each lobe is wide, pointed tips and small crenations along the margins. Leaves are held on long green stems.

This small Salvia ‘Crug’s Cream’ is a real cutey, being small and compact, it is ideal to show off in a beautiful ceramic pot.

Coming from Japan, it would normally be seen in a woodland situation beneath deciduous trees, so if not grown in a pot,  this small plant could be used as an edging plant along a path or massed beneath small deciduous trees.

Plant in the foreground with other similar woodland species growing behind. Liking dappled shade, or dappled sun, it ‘s perfect for those cool shaded places in the garden.

At the end of the season, after it has flowered, the leaves become tatty, then you know that it can be time to cut off the stems of calyces and leaves. Clean away any dead old leaves, mulch around the crown well and include a marker, to show the position of the crowns. This ensures that they are not accidentally trod upon or dug up.

Propagation: Cuttings of new growth are easily  taken when the stems are at least 3 nodes long. These can be taken through out spring and summer. Place node of leaves well into a perlite mix.

Occasionally available