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Salvia Cookie

Salvia ‘Cookie’: is a small dense subshrub, 40-60cm H with masses of blue / purple flowers most of the year, loves a sunny position.

Salvia 'Cookie'
Salvia ‘Cookie’

Salvia ‘Cookie’ is one of the few blue / purple small shrubby Salvias available.

Flowers: are small blue /mauve / purple (depending on the light of day), with a hairy paler hood and mauve stigma appearing from the lip of the hood.

There is a prominent white beeline area around the throat to guide the bees and insects into the flower.

Both the two side lobes and the middle lobe are the same colour, but the middle lobe is split and flared and slightly frilled.

Coming into flower in spring, it can flower for most of the year in a sunny position.

Calyces: are bright green, ribbed nicely with long pointed lobes. Flowers are held along a long flower stem above the foliage to attract passing insects.

Leaves: are small, grass green, almost triangular, smooth, well veined, Most stems are well clothed.

Salvia ‘Cookie’ is a gorgeous small shrub for those sunny positions at the front of the bed or quite happily growing in a large pot. Masses of stems so flowers cover the whole bush for most of the year.

Plant with other pinks, white, reds and yellow small shrubs and perennials.

Tough and hardy for summer heat and dry and winter cold.

Attractive to both bees, moths and other insects.

At the end of summer / autumn, it’s time to cut back. This tough shrub can be cut back by half, allowing the new growth to reinvent the shrub. Cut out any dead or twiggy stems, cutting back to a good green shoot.

Feed well and mulch to keep the root area warm in the cold months and again for the summer when it’s hot and dry.

Propagation: is easily done from tip cuttings in spring / summer from new growth.

Salvia ‘Cookie’