Salvia canariensis var candissima: is a medium open bushy shrub 1.5-2m H with long grey furry hastate leaves and clusters of mauve flowers.

Salvia canariensis var candissima: is very similar to it’s parent, but has furry leaves.
Flowers: are mauve , falcate in shape with a large opening between the hood and the bottom lobes. The stigma is well extended from the hood. Both the tube and the side lobes are white, the narrow middle lobe is often cupped to act as a landing space for bees and insects and guided into the flower for the nectar by the delicate markings on the lobe.
The flowers are clustered in loose panicles at the end of a thin green stem, appearing in spring and continues through out summer and well into autumn. These are held above the foliage to attract passing insects.
Calyces: are a pink colour, with each lobe joined almost in a vase shape. The bracts are also pink with a green base. These seem to stay after the flower opens. After the flower has fallen, the calyces and bracts become papery. As the colour is retained, it gives the impression that the plant is still flowering.
Leaves: are grey and furry with felted hairs on both sides of the leaves. Although they have a hastate shape, they are often cupped, and are not as long or wide as the parent plant.
This Salvia is a very architectural plant. An interesting medium sized plant to have in the garden. Most people use the furry leaves of this Salvia as a focal point in the garden. If well grown, it certainly can be startling.
As the leaves are grey, this Salvia blends well with other silver or grey leaf plants in a white themed garden. The grey of the leaves also contrast well with other vivid purples, crimsons, whites and yellow perennials. Very Bee and insect friendly.
This is a tough, hardy plant, enjoying a full sun position and well drained soil. It copes well with hot dry summers, cold winters and light frosts.
The stems become woody as the plant grows, so regularly tip pruning helps to keep the plant bushy with new growth.
At the end of summer or autumn, when the flowers have finished, cut the stems back hard to either good green buds or at least 3 nodes from the base of the stem to promote new growth. Cut out any dead or twiggy stems. Feed and mulch well to keep the root area warm during winter. Feed again in spring, mulching again to keep the root area cool during the hot summer season.
Propagation: by tip cuttings only of new growth, taken in spring and summer. Old leaf growth rarely strikes.
Occasionally available