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Salvia canariensis

Salvia canariensis: is a medium open bushy shrub 1.5-2m H with long hastate leaves and clusters of mauve flowers from spring till autumn.

Salvia canariensis var candissima

Salvia canariensis: is a tough hardy plant for summer conditions.

Flowers: are mauve, falcate type flowers clustered in a loose panicle at the top of the stem between two new shoots. The lower lobes are delicately marked to guide bees and other insects into the flower. Each green flower stem is held high above the foliage to catch passing insects. There is also a darker form occasionally available. Appearing in spring lasting  over the summer period. These will fade and dry.

Calyces: are a pink / mauve colour in an open vase shape. Once the flowers have fallen, the calyces will fade and dry, giving the appearance that the plant is still in flower.

The calyces are clustered in whorls around the stem in loose panicles at the top of the stem.

Bracts: begin as green but gradually colour to blend with the calyces. These remain on the stem for quite some time.

Leaves: are a gorgeous hastate shape, grey/green, growing up to 60-70 cm long and 30 cm wide with very fine crenations along the margins. The stems soon becoming woody.

Salvia canariensis: is This is a beautiful dramatic addition to any garden. Plant in a sunny position with other grey leaf plants for a silver or white garden or with other tough hardy shrubs and perennials of white, bright yellow or vivid pink and purple coloured flowers. Both birds and bees love this shrub throughout the summer.

This is a tough hardy shrub for summer heat, tolerating winter cold and a mild frost. Growing in a sunny position, not fussy about soil, but preferring a well drained soil.

As the stems soon become woody it is best to prune back to good buds each year after flowering to promote good new growth.

Propagation: is by tip cuttings taken in spring and summer, only of new shoots, they rarely strike from old growth.