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Salvia Brilliance (Heatwave)(PBR)

Salvia ‘Brilliance'(Heatwave) (PBR): is a small subshrub 60cmH for a full sun position with vivid dark cerise flowers in spring through to autumn.

Salvia microphylla 'Heatwave Brilliance' (PBR)
Salvia microphylla ‘Heatwave Brilliance’

Salvia ‘Brilliance'(Heatwave)(PBR): is a very showy plant within the garden.

Flowers: are a typical microphylla type flower, a dark cerise / magenta colour, flowering most of the year from spring through to autumn.

Calyces: are a very dark crimson, ribbed with pointed lobes.

Leaves: are a midgreen colour, a narrow lineal oblong shape, veins indented and small round crenations along the edges.

Salvia ‘Brilliance’: brightens up any garden area with it’s brilliant dark cerise flowers. As the plant is very floriferous most of the season, plant either with other strong colours of dark blue or purple shrubs and perennials or use the colour white to tone down the vivid colouring of this Salvia.

A compact shrub with the flowers held above the foliage. This plus the colouring of the flowers attracts many  bees, hover flies, butterflies and moths.

S. ‘Brilliance’: is a tough hardy plant for the hot dry summer months, it can with stand  cold winters and light frosts.

Although this Salvia will continue to flower during winter, it is best to cut back  in autumn when the stems are looking a bit straggly. Cut stems back to a good green bud and clean away any dead or twiggy branches. This cutting back will invigorate the plant over winter for a fresh lot of flowers in spring.

After cutting back, feed and mulch well to keep the root area cool over the summer months and warm during the cold frosty winter.

Propagation: As this plant has Plant Protection Rights (PBR) propagation and promotion is not permitted unless with a license.