Salvia ‘ Blue Sensation’ (superba): is a low growing, compact herbaceous Salvia, growing 10-15 cm H with multiple spires of blue flowers in summer.

Salvia ‘Blue Sensation’: is winter dormant, beginning to soot again in spring.
Flowers: are small, a bright blue falcate type flower with a small hood and a paler lower lobe with marking which the bees adore as they land on the lower lip and proceed into the flower. Flowers are produced on upright spikes in whorls of 4-6 flowers in tight clusters forming a compact flower head. Flowering in late spring through summer into autumn.
Calyces: are small and blunt, green in colour with a touch of purple in along the ribs and bracts which gives it a multi coloured effect.
Leaves: are grass green, small superba type leaves, having a blunt pointed apex with small crenations along the edges and often wavy. They form a basal rosette type of growth, sending up numerous spikes of flowers with a few sets of sessile leaves up the stem.
Salvia ‘Blue Sensation’: produces multiple upright spires of blue flowers making this an ideal small Salvia for an edge along a path or border, especially for a small garden. Their massed flowering makes a wonderful show in late spring and summer before they die down for winter.
Grow with other small groundcovers or perennials. Their vivid blue flowers contrast well with other pinks, yellows and white perennials with similar growing conditions.
When the flowering has finished in autumn, cut down the stems of S. ‘Blue Sensation’ , clean out the clump, and mulch well to keep the crown warm during winter, which will protect their crowns especially in frost areas.
Hardy during the summer period if well mulched and watered regularly to prolong flowering.
Propagation: is usually from seed or by dividing the clumps when the new shoots appear in spring. Cuttings can be taken from the new growth in spring.
Not readily available.