Salvia ‘Blue Ribbon’ (urica): is a medium upright shrub, approx 1,5-2m H. producing vivid blue flowers in autumn and winter, liking a sunny protected area from frost.
Salvia ‘Blue Ribbon’: originating from Sth America, needs a sunny protected area from frost.
Flowers: are a dark blue / purple, semi tubular, appearing along a green stem 15-20cm long in small whorls of 4-6 flowers. The hood is more purple than blue, the bottom lip is extended and often cupped, to act as a landing point for insects. Birds and bees enjoy these flowers in autumn / winter.
Calyces: are green, ribbed with fine clear hairs. Each lobe is long, sometimes coloured on the exposed side and pointed.
Leaves: are a broad cordate shape with serrated crenations along the edges, mid to a dark green colour and slightly bristly on top. The leaves have an unfortunate smell of burnt rubber when crushed, but this is to ward off unwanted hungry animals.
Salvia ‘Blue Ribbon’: is quite stunning when in full flower. ‘Blue Ribbon’ provides a good screening plant in the middle of the bed, or back of a narrow bed with smaller plants in the foreground.
Plant with other medium and tall pink, crimson or blue shrubs in semi shaded positions or protected sunny areas. Over time, this plant can form a good clump.
Once the flowering has finished, prune down old stems, and tidy up, cutting out any dead or twiggy stems.
Propagation: Tip cuttings are easily taken at most times of the year.