Salvia Blue Queen (superba)

Salvia ‘Blue Queen’ (superba): is an old variety of low growing herbaceous Salvias, growing to 20 cm H.with basal rosettes and spires of blue flowers in summer.

Salvia superba 'Blue Queen'
Salvia superba ‘Blue Queen’

Salvia ‘Blue Queen’: is winter dormant, appearing again in spring and flowering from summer until early autumn.

Flowers: are small, violet blue falcate shaped with a large opening between the hood and the lower lobes. The hood is quite large , curved and paler than the lower lips. This opening allows the bees and insects  to enter the flower. The flower head is very tight and geometric whilst still in bud, reaching 10-15cm long. Flowers are arranged along a green stem in clustered whorls of 4-6 flowers. The green bracts falling away as the flower opens.

Calyces: progress from green to a pink / purple brown colour. The ribs being crimson with fine hairs. Each lobe is long and pointed. Each spire is very colourful and vibrant  when in flower, in late spring and summer. Especially attractive to bees and other pollinating insects.

Leaves: are small, mid green, textured, lineal in shape with a short pointed apex, often wavy in appearance. These form a rosette type growth, forming a tight clump before sending up flowers spikes. Small sessile leaves appear along the flowering stem.

Salvia ‘Blue Queen’: is ideal along the edges of a path or in an informal border. These make a wonderful display when grown en masse. Grow in a sunny position with other low growing perennials. Show the differences in the colours of blues and purples that are available.

Hardy for summer conditions when established. Mulch well to keep the root area cool in summer and to protect the crowns when dormant  against frost and slugs when the shoots are appear again in spring.

At the end of autumn, the stems of S. ‘Blue Queen’ should be cut down by half and used as a position marker when dormant, so they are not accidentally dug up. The crown should be cleaned out and tidied.

Propagation: These are usually propagated by seed or clumps divided in spring as the new shoots are appearing. Cuttings can be taken in spring before the flower stems appear.

Not readily available.