Salvia Blue Chiquita

Salvia ‘Blue Chiquita’: is tender shrub to about 1m H that enjoys a sunny / semi shaded well protected position. Flowering in Summer with spires of smokey blue flowers.

Salvia ' Blue Chiquata'
Salvia ‘Blue Chiquita’ in pot

Salvia ‘Blue Chiquita’: is a tender low shrub with smokey blue flowers.

Flowers: are a smokey blue, semi tubular with the beeline seen as stripes from the throat to the lower lobe. These beelines are to guide the bees and other insects into the flower. Very interesting in bud, with the pale green bracts looking like a candle at the top, these  fall off as each flower opens. The flower stem is long, 15-20cm ,when most of the flowers are formed. These can form quite a dense flower head.

Calyces: are a grey green with dark grey blue ribs, slightly hairy and blunt, all clustered around the green grey stem in whorls of 8 flowers. It is these whorls of calyces that give the whole flower a smokey blue appearance. Flowering from summer through to autumn.

Leaves: are a bright green, a broad cordate shape with a thin texture, indented veins on a long pedicel and crenations along the edges.

Salvia ‘Blue Chiquita: is a very attractive plant for the front of the bed in an informal border. Over time this plant can make a lovely clump which makes a striking show in summer. If in a less protected area, growing this plant in a large pot can be very rewarding for that extra colour. Pots can be moved around where they are the most effective.

These lovely small flowers attract a lot of bees, moths and other pollinating insects.

Plant  S. Blue Chiquita’ with other pale pink, purples or even crimson low shrubs and perennials. Grow this gorgeous Salvia among other shrubs or taller perennials that will give protection from frost and harsh winds during the summer heat.

When most of the flowering has finished in autumn, then cut down the stems to their base, collect any seed and clean up the  plant. Clean away any old tatty leaves, old dead or twiggy stems. Then feed  and mulch well to keep the root area cool and warm during the cold winter months.

Propagation: Tip cuttings can be taken from new growth in spring and summer.

Not readily available.