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Salvia Blue Abyss

Salvia  ‘Blue Abyss’: is a mid height bushy shrub 1mH and wide for a sunny position with masses of blue / purple flowers in summer.

Salvia  ‘Blue Abyss’: is extremely similar to ‘ Anthony Parker’ – same purple flowers, calyces and leaves, but flowers at a different time of year. ‘Anthony  Parker’ begins flowering in Autumn – from March till July/ August.

Flowers: are a deep violet purple, semi tubular flower with markings on the lower lobes. Flowering in the heat of the summer time, November till late February.

Calyces: are a darker shade of purple, almost a grey purple. The flowering stem appears above the foliage, so you see a wonderful mass of purple in spring, continuing  into summer. Most calyces  remain on the plant after the corolla has dropped adding that extra vibrant purple colour during summer.

Leaves: area broad lanceolate shape, mid green and slightly hairy. On the underside, it is whitish and velvety, the veins are clearly shown. The leaves appear all along the stem, giving the shrub a dense appearance.

Salvia ‘Blue Abyss‘: is a good tough plant for summer dry and cold winters as well as tolerating light frosts.

Grow either in full sun or light shade such as under an Eucalypt tree. As the growth habit is like a mushroom, mounds of this plant can makes a stunning display of purple within the garden if grown well. Grow this Salvia with other cerise pink, white or yellow shrubs and perennials.

Mulch S. ‘Blue Abyss’ well to keep the root area cool during the hot summer months. Cut the old stems back hard when shoots begin to show at the base in autumn.

Easily propagated from tip cuttings taken any time of the year.

‘Blue Abyss’ flowers in the heat of the summer time, November till March, where as ‘Anthony  Parker’ begins flowering in Autumn –  from late Feb  till Oct –
One flowers in the summer heat, the other flowers in the Winter cold.