Salvia ‘Bethellii’ (involucrata): is a medium upright shrub 1.5-2mH for a sunny protected position with cerise brushes of flowers during summer.

Salvia ‘Bethellii: is a small form than it’s parent.
Flowers: are tubular, a bright cerise with a small furry hood which is pink with a white stripe, a fat pink tube and small bottom lobes which are curves beneath. The middle lobe it’s self is pink and slightly split, but the 2 small side lobes and the throat are white.
The white throat and the white stripe on the hood act as beacons to attract birds and insects, especially when the plants are growing in a shady position.
The flower head is only a small brush of flowers at the top of the dark coloured stem. Flowers are held in whorls of 8 flowers
Calyces and involucrote: are rose coloured, nicely ribbed with pointed lobes.
The flower head is only a small brush of flowers at the top of a dark coloured stem. Flowers are held in whorls of 8 flowers with 4 flowers open and 4 opening later,thus extending the flowering period. The flowers are situated all around the erect stem, differing from it’s parent.
All involucrata hybrids have an involucrote, some large, some only very small. An involucrote is a knob of bracts ( the same colour as the corollas) full of more flowers. Salvia ‘Bethellii’ has a small rounded knob. The small coloured bracts falloff as each whorl of flowers opens.
Leaves: are a mid green colour, smooth surfaces with a tapering tip. Veins and a coloured midrib are clearly seen. Small crenations are found along the margins. All flowering stems are a dark crimson brown colour.
Salvia ‘Bethellii: is a lovely clumping shrub to have in the middle of a bed, besides taller shrubs that give it shelter from frost and harsh summer winds. Plant under deciduous trees with other woodland shrubs and perennials that like dappled shade or a sunny protected position.
In a sunny position, it contrasts nicely with other vivid blues, purples, crimsons and darker pinks. It’s bushiness makes a safe haven for small birds to flit through the stems.
Pruning: At the end of autumn, Salvia ‘Bethellii’ may become dormant in cold areas, so clean out and cut down old stems. Feed and mulch well to keep the root area warm during the cold winter months.
In spring when new growth begins to show, feed and mulch again, keeping the root area cool during the hot dry summer months.
Propagation: is usually from tip cuttings taken in the spring from new growth or the clump can be divided and rooted pieces potted up.