Salvia aurea Silver Lady

Salvia aurea ‘Silver Lady’ :  is a dense shrub growing to 1 x 1m. with grey pointed leaves and terracotta flowers in a spider like flower head.

Salvia 'Silver Lady'(aurea)
‘Silver Lady'(aurea)

Salvia aurea ‘Silver Lady’: has a slightly different growth habit. The branches grow in a layer effect ( similar to many Viburnums).

Flowers: are slightly smaller than the parent with a different  hue of terracotta. Hoods are long and the bottom lips are well marked. The calyx is vase shaped, with some colouring at the ends.

Flowers are formed into a dense cluster at the top of the stems, often looking like a spider. Flowering is from late winter  through to summer.

Leaves: are silver grey, slightly undulating with a soft pointed tip.

This Salvia aurea ‘Silver Lady’: is a good dense silver shrub for hot spots, blending nicely with other silver and grey shrubs. It contrasts well with dark green background shrubs.
Like other  S.aurea’s, this form also clips well, so grows well as a hedge. The density of the growth is ideal for nesting birds. Bees, butterflies  and other insects love these flowers during the spring and summer months.

Plant S. aurea ‘Silver Lady’: in a sunny a position that is well drained. This is a tough hardy shrub for the hot dry summer months, the winter cold, tolerating frosts well.

If grown as a hedge, then clip to neaten, but remove any dead or twiggy branches that detract from the shape. Mulch well to keep the root area cool during summer.

Propagated: easily from tip cuttings taken throughout the year.