Salvia arizonica: A gorgeous small groundcover with dark blue flowers, from Arizona, growing 10-15cm H, it is excellent as an edging plant.

Salvia arizonica: has gorgeous blue / mauve flowers which shine out on sunny days.
Flowers: are small, semi tubular, dark blue with a white throat. Thin green stems hold the clusters of flowers well above the foliage, to try and catch passing bees and butterflies.
Most flowers appear in spring, right through the summer months and into autumn.
Leaves: are a fresh green colour, an elongated triangular shape with pronounced veins and crenulations around the edge. Again with thin green stems.
S. arizonica: can be herbaceous in cold areas, but remains green within warmer suburbs. As it produces underground stolons, it can create a lovely clump as a ground cover fairly quickly. Grow this lovely groundcover in a sunny position, either in a rockery or as an edging plant along a pathway.
Plant this gorgeous plant with other silver or coloured leaf low growing perennials or grasses. The blue flowers make a wonderful display of colour in spring.
Tidying up Salvia arizonica usually is done at the end of summer when the plant is looking a bit tatty. Cut away all dead flower stems and any tatty leaves. Give it a feed and mulch well for warmth during the winter months and coolness in the summer months.
Propagated: easily from tip cuttings taken in spring when the new growth appears and in summer, before it becomes dormant in the colder months.
This can be cut down in autumn and cleaned out of old stems. Propagation is by cuttings and stolons. Very bee and insect friendly.