Salvia argentea

Salvia  argentea: is a herbaceous perennial with large silver felty leaves. Large white flowers. Stems 30 -60cmH for a sunny position.

Salvia argentea
Salvia argentea

Although Salvia argentea becomes dormant (herbaceous) during winter, it does not perform well until new growth appears in spring.

Flowers: are large, white falcate shaped,creating a large opening between the hood and the lower lobe. White stigmas are exerted from the hood. The bottom lobe is cupped, which acts as a landing platform allowing bees and other insects to enter the flower.

The flowers of S. argentea are grouped in whorls around the  stem in verticillata formation along the whole flower stem. Both the calyces and stems are green adding to the purity of the white flowers.
In late spring / early summer, silvery flowering spikes appear, producing masses of large white flowers, which really attract the bees.

Leaves: are large, white, rounded and felty, produced in a rosette type of growth. Although these stay during winter, they are very reduced in size or eaten by slugs.

Found originally from European regions. Salvia argentea is usually grown as an annual. Best grown in a sunny, open position with plenty of room to grow at the front of a bed or as a border.

A great plant to have for bees and other insects.

Planting: This gorgeous felty plant grows well with other white or silvery leaf  groundcovers. While the white flowers look good among other pale pink or blue coloured perennials.

S. argentea is not fussy about soil, but it should be well drained. Mulch well to keep the root area cool in summer and again in winter. Mulch should be a gravel type as normal mulch can harbour slugs and can lead to rotting of the leaves.

Propagating: by seed is best way of growing this plant. The flower stems produce copious amount of big fat seeds.

The seed should be sown just at the end of winter or when the weather becomes warmer. If a heat bed is available, then the seed can be sown in the cooler months to be ready for planting out in spring.

A great plant to have for bees and other insects.

Occasionally available.