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Salvia Agnes

Salvia ‘Agnes’: is a medium upright slender shrub 1-1.2mH, growing in a sunny sheltered position with bright blue flowers in tight panicles.

Salvia 'Agnes'
Salvia ‘Agnes’

Salvia  ‘Agnes’: A small upright bushy shrub to 1-1.2mH. that grows well in a semi shaded or sheltered sunny position.

Flowers: are a lovely blue / mauve colour held in a small brush type of inflorescence at the end of the flower stem. Some say they look like Grape Hyacinths On closer inspection the flowers seem to spread their large flat lower lips, contrasting well with the very small hood above. Calyces are often coloured on the exposed side, creating a soft appearance. Flowering occurs through spring and summer, into autumn, when the bees are most active.

Leaves: are lanceolate, a dull mid green, deeply indented veins with soft hairs on the underside. Quite often the older leaves show a coppery colouring; this can be seen in the colder months and again with the new growth in spring.

Salvia ‘Agnes’: is best grown, either in the front of the bed or behind smaller groundcovers. Although  ‘Agnes’ comes from Mexico, it hates hot / dry summers or wet cold winters, preferring instead a sunny protected position. For optimum growth, it is best to regularly water these plants, feed with a good balanced fertiliser and keep the roots cool with mulch during the dry hot summers. Protection will also be needed for the cold frosty periods during the winter months.

Pruning should be done after the main flowering period in late summer / autumn, by cutting back to a good green shoot, as well as cleaning out any dead or twiggy stems.

An interesting Salvia for a collection. Propagated by tip cuttings, taking new shoots in spring / summer.

Not always available.