S. disermas ‘Slimline’: (Seed) Shrubby upright Perennial 40-60cmH with fragrant leaves for a full sun position.


S.disermas ‘Slimline’: syn rugosa: A small clumping plant for a hot sunny position. Numerous flower stems with small white flowers in whorls. A favorite with bees and insects. Slim green / grey leaves, slightly hairy with soft crenations along the edges. Tough and hardy.


S. disermas ‘Slimline’ :syn rugosa: A small clumping plant for a hot sunny position. Numerous flower stems with small white flowers in whorls. A favorite with bees and insects. Slim green / grey leaves, slightly hairy with soft crenations along the edges. Tough and hardy.

Salvia disermas 'Slimline'
Salvia disermas ‘Slimline’