Salvia greggii Playa Rosa

Salvia greggii ‘Playa Rosa’: A small compact upright subshrub 40cmh fora sunny position with delightful pale pink flowers.

Salvia 'Playa Rosa' ( greggii)
Salvia ‘Playa Rosa (greggii)

Flowers: are a lovely pale pink, the hood and tube being a slightly darker pink with a hint of mauve. The 2 side lobes a slightly brighter pink than the middle lobe, which is very pale and slightly split, almost giving a 2 toned effect. Calyces are a green brown and ribbed. Stems are green.

Although ‘Playa Rosa’ will flower most of the year, the main flowering period is usually in spring through summer and well into autumn, or until it is cut back.

Leaves: are mid green, lineal with entire edges. Erect green stems are well clothed.

Salvia greggii ‘Playa Rosa’: is a lovely soft pink which is perfect for the front of a bed, making a lovely informal hedge. These soft pink flowers are almost two tone, which work extremely well with other purple or white flowering perennials near by.

Trim back lightly to shape if planted as a hedge. Prune back at the end of summer or when leggy, cut back to a good green bud. Flowers will appear again in a few weeks in clusters at the top of new growth. Hardy for the hot summer months as well as the cold winter months. They also tolerate a mild frost.

Bees, moths and other insects love these flowers. It is easily propagation  by tip cuttings.