Salvia hierosolymitana

Salvia hierosolymitana: is a herbaceous perennial with large leaves and maroon flower spikes to 30cmH. Flowering early spring until summer.

Salvia heirosolymitana
Salvia heirosolymitana

Salvia hierosolymitana: is very similar to Salvia eigii, but a different flower colour and height.

Flowers: are a falcate type with the hood being maroon or wine red and the bottom lobe is cupped, basically white and splashed with pink markings.  The two side lobes are also pale pink. These markings are to guide the bees and insects into the flower. The white stigma is very exerted from the hood.

Flowers appear in late winter / early spring. One of the earliest herbaceous Salvias to flower, attracting bees and other pollinating insects whilst temperatures are still cold. It is also a ploy to get a head start in attracting insects from other flowering competition.

Inflorescence can grow to 30cm H and are often branched giving the appearance of many stems.

Calyces: are ribbed, hairy and green but can colour to a wine red colouring in full sun. The flowers appear in whorls of 4-6 that are widely spaced.

Leaves: are dark green, large, often 15 -20cm long with broad and undulating edges. They have a long, often coloured petiole with the midrib being prominent. These leafy Salvias can form a large clumps.

Salvia hierosolymitana: is best grown in full sun to get the benefit of early passing bees and other pollinating insects. This Salvia in full flower looks wonderful mass planted, but if space is limited, then plant within the border, dotting them around the bed to add colour and catch the eye.

Plant with other low or medium glowing perennial which will flower as these flowers begin to fade.

As this Salvia is herbaceous (winter dormant) it is a tough hardy plant as it misses most of the early frosts but still emerges while it is still cold. It tolerates hot summers only if well mulched to keep the roots cool. The soil should be well dug over to provide good drainage.

When the flower are finished and seed has been collected, cut down the stems and clean up the basal clump.

Propagated only by seed which should be sown in spring when temperatures are beginning to warm, but can be sown anytime with bottom heat.

Occasionally available.