Salvia greggii Tangerine

Salvia greggii ‘Tangerine’: A small upright bushy shrub 40-60cmH for full sun with masses of Tangerine flowers for most of the year.

Salvia greggii 'Tangerine'
Salvia greggii ‘Tangerine’

Salvia ‘greggii ‘Tangerine’: is a very vibrant plant for the garden.

Flowers: are a vibrant  coral orange. The hood and side lobes being a darker colour than the middle and bottom lobe. A small white patch at the throat acts as a guide for bees and other insects into the flower. Main flowering period is from spring through the summer months and well into the autumn.

Calyces: are an olive green, ribbed with the lobes more coloured on the exposed sides.

Leaves: are a lovely shiny midgreen, lineal with a rounded apex, showing only the midrib and entire edges.

Salvia greggii 'Tangerine'

Salvia greggii ‘Tangerine’: is a great small shrub for the front of the bed or as an informal hedge at the front of the border. This is a vibrant coloured plant for a full sun position. Best planted in a group of 2 or 3 for a massed effect or just dotted around the garden for that patch of colour to brighten up dull areas. S. ‘Tangerine’ is quite a robust orange colour that contrasts well with other strong colours of a good purple or electric blue, but also softens well with mauves and yellows. This is a plant for a ‘Hot’ bed full of vibrant colours.

A tough hardy plant for the hot summer months, winter cold, tolerating a light frost. Best cutback at the end of summer or when straggly. cut back to a good green shoot, feed mulch to keep roots cool and wait for the new fresh new growth during winter and new flowers will shortly appear.

S. ‘Tangerine’: will continue to flower until the plant is cutback in autumn and waiting for fresh new growth which will be more sustainable for the cold winter months. Very bee and insect friendly.

Propagation: is by tip cuttings taken most times of the year.